In October 2017, project partners Steve Belmain, Phil Stevenson and student Angela Mkindi travelled to Pemba, in Mozambique, to present at the McKnight Annual Meeting. It was a chance to share the progress, findings and learning outcomes of the field research so far, and particularly a chance for Angela to tell participants about her innovative methods of engaging farmers as increasingly confident and indepdent researchers in their own right, through farmer research networks. This ambitious approach empowers farmers to make evidence-based choices about their farm management.

Steve gave a talk about sustainable pest and disease management in agro-ecosystems.

Steve Belmain speaks to a rapt audience at the McKnight meeting




The McKnight Foundation has also supported production of some beautiful new information videos, aimed at farmers in Eastern and Southern Africa. They introduce the idea of natural enemies of crop pests, and explain how using pesticidal plants instead of synthetic pesticides can support a healthy agricultural ecosystem that allows the maximum pest control potential of on-farm biodiversity to operate in order to protect farmers' crops...sustainably! The video is available in English (global use), Kiswahili (for farmers in Tanzania and Kenya especially) and Chichewa (for farmers in Malawi). View them here!